Monday, February 16, 2009


As you can see, I have made a few changes to the structure of the blog. On the right side, you can now subscribe using RSS and add my blog to Google Reader or any other Reader. Underneath, I have a collection of links to various photo albums, which I will add to when I can. And below that, I have a few links to interesting sites I have found along the way. Let me know if any of them do not work.

Below I have my travel map from Trip Advisor, which shows the places I have been in the world. The link to my travel profile is on the right as well.

1 comment:

  1. Cool map! I want to do one too. I like the new blog set up. Any advice about adding the "subscribe to" feature to my blog? Are you still in Thailand? I guess that means you are not going to be here for the cooking class on Saturday? :)
